Sunday, October 17, 2010

Research Engine - A new identity

Well, this is yet another series on my TGMC project this year, "Research Engine". I've been thinking off late so much about Research engine, especially after my break up with my girl few weeks ago.

"If i would make it a search engine, it would still like be one of them. May be one with a better filtering capability of all others, but there is no innovation in that. Search is still not a solved problem! I still believe in that, but what can Research Engine can possibly achieve?!", said me to myself.

I was pondering over this for a long time, until now. I again came up with a new improved version of Research Engine, one already but not completely visualized by my team mate, Salaikumar @ Saravanan (

We came up with another way of representing information to the users. All search engine, gives you pages and pages of links, to some so-called relevant information for your search query. We though why not give the users directly the information what they are looking for, instead of giving them links to go and search from.

So we decided to have a user view layer like that. It is information centered (re)search, so that you don't have to re-search again else where.

Well you should be thinking, "Isn't this what Wikipedia does in the first place?". Actually the answer is, "Yes!". You can also call Research Engine to be the next encyclopedia, but the potential of RE is more than just displaying information.

Major features or improvements over a wiki is that,
  1. All the data collection process is completely automated.
  2. All the information you see is live data (possibly some milliseconds old)
  3. All the information you get is presented after analysis of same content over a variety of authenticated websites.
That is with this post as of now. If you feel, RE can have more features or if you have a suggestion for the same, please drop your views on the issue, as comments. As i said, i want this to be a community driven Web 3.0 Technology, that makes the lives of the people easier.

- Ashwanth Kumar